in spite of ourselves, we'll end up sittin' on a rainbow.

Friday, July 30, 2010


color. oh color. what a genius you are with your color.
your photos are beautiful.
i just got home from ben & jerry's.

a naked baby.
he spent the afternoon getting air.

i wonder what it feels like to have the wind touch your skin
for the very first time

Thursday, July 29, 2010

night owl melodies (more).

dear em,

i am still in a juliosphere of temporal lucidity.
sleep will not come.
my brain is alive with a whirlwind of what ifs, whens, and wheres.

i miss you.
i think we would both agree that this a different kind of missing.
one that sort of sneaks up from behind and snips your achilles.
just a quick snip of course! - but a nasty one, nonetheless.

i know what you mean about the jokes - they bounce off empty walls.
ann arbor (no u) is too far away.
so are you.
so is j.worm, glow master (of the world).

today my eyes were hungry for all sorts of colours, so i will share
(to be honest, i was writing little snap-shot-stories for you)

etched in
the wall.
(the best


i like this little shadow dance.
the shadows tell a more elaborate story than the actual flowers do.
what does that tell?

plants can be cute - this one is proof.

stop light. somehow, just sitting there.
just like that.

p.s. i really like getting my hands dirty and i really hate dirt under my finger nails.

time machine.
where to go? when?
just spin a globe.
maybe spin a globe
with countries on it
that no longer exist?

...textures, from some time ago. (i think?)

love, k.

clamp? my ass.
a father's love.
gorilla glue and flower pots.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

there is love

in an abandoned city

more than any one knows.

secret treats.
a very small arboritum, found tuckled into a baby room nook.
he'll find dreams in that jar.
perhaps wonders of the imagination, spurred by a tale (tail)
of a pesky rabbit, and other such woven word wonders.

yes, dream.

up, up, and away.

:train ride tears:

detroit: sci-fi city of something (that once was).
You are with julius (the-love-of-my-world),
in those buildings, just down the road.
They look as orwellian from Windsor as they do in Detroit.
(in 'merica)

I can almost see you.
Not quite close enough to shout

Don't leave yet,
I want to come back!

Away I went.
Away you went.
Away, we go.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

this porch.

tonight is our last night of
listening to the crickets;
watching the fireflies;
sneaking into the night for a breath of fresh air;
of listening
to the little
coos and poos
of the baby
(of the world)

i love this porch.
this pagoda.
perfect for hanging
balloons and baby's laundry.

i love this place.

porches are important places,
of course.

Monday, July 26, 2010

love, julius.

a midsummer night's dream.


new mom.
lovely friend.
beautiful bombshell of the world.
it's 3:24am and you are asleep
(rightfully so).

i am night owl'ing,


todd rummages for
midnight snacks.

it feels a bit like a dream,
in the most lovely way that
it ever possibly could.

julius is wrapped up,

we love you.

good night.
bon nuit.

x ::