in spite of ourselves, we'll end up sittin' on a rainbow.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mammals - Pierre Merot

nothing like the french to make you laugh.

the review reads, "Mammals is a sleek, nasty, and highly intelligent creature. Pierre Merot is a funny, soulful novelist with a refreshingly jaunty take on human misery."

thus, emma's choice excerpts from chapter one.

"Every model family should have a fuck-up: a family without a fuck-up is not truly a family, because it lacks an element that challenges it, thereby reinforcing its legitimacy.

The uncle wishes his mother would pursue her obsession with disease and her tedious blather in the realm of the dead. Not that a splinter is quite so easily removed from the soul, but the physical passing of a person certainly has distinct advantages...

Aside from his social failings, the most incontrovertible proof of which has been his shameful lack of children and happiness, the uncle has also amassed a catalogue of archetypical faults: he smoked forty cigarettes a day - two and half each hour, if we assume he gets any sleep. He drinks. He is spineless. He is obsessed with sex."

i do suggest you get your hands on this book. it is wildly entertaining, albeit, black.

Imagination Station

a wee get-away.
mushrooms. vines. a sun whose shine is slightly smudged by
moisture in the air.

a place to rest (in every manner of speaking).

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Raspberry Wisdom.


talking to you today was exactly what i needed.
thank you oh-so-much for calling.


by the way,
you're a bit like this
wee little raspberry branch
with its one,
wee little raspberry.

love, k.

i love these guys.

these are 3 of the boys i've spent much of time with over the past few weeks -
couldn't really ask for a better bunch.

gramps - malcolm. who else?


ty and joe cool.
(the boys in blue)

do you know any
other 5 year olds
with purple ray bans?

no one does.

p.s. ty's word for sunglasses is "eyes" and he inconspicuously stole
some eyes from superstore recently. unfortunately, they were
far and away the ugliest eyes in the store.
he'll learn style, maybe from his cousin fin?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Discovery of Another Imaginarium!

Tom Waits, Johnny Depp, Heath Ledger:
swiveled & swirled
into a Terry Gilliam acid trip.
Who Woulda Known?

.top of my list.

i will not let this dew-crested duckling sink!

alice just fell into the custody of some clever (and rather pesky) caterpillar for a few days.

humidity has ransacked the world out here and turned things a little up side down.
julius doesn't seem to notice much, though.
he is too busy learning Important Things.
resting up for bursts of activity (namely, leg springs and the flailing wildly of arms).

we head up north today.
to wedding bells and farm trails.

lake michigan.


love you, miss you!


Monday, August 9, 2010

i don't think words are needed for this one.

miss you. tremendously.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

my last lunch in montreal (boring post but fun movie)

dear emma,

at this moment in time, i am sitting at the table on the back porch of my summer sublet house eating
(which tastes a bit gritty from dirt?)
and drinking a
fairly mediocre quebec beer.
to accompany my lunch,
(lonely lunches don't taste as good),
i have been watching a fun little film called "Alice"
by a filmmaker named Jan Svankmajer.
He makes some pretty incredible stuff.
(i can send you more)

my plane leaves montreal in about three hours.
i will fly across the country and then *poof* i'll live in BC again.
and montreal will become a place, far away.
just like that.


Adventures of Momma and the littlest Glow Worm: Part I

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

the cat/le chat.


this cat lives in outremont,
on a porch.

i think he thinks he's a dog.
why do i think this?
he stood up, growled at me, and then defended his
territory when i tried to take his picture.

he's also enormous.
he's fluffy (extraordinarily).
much too large to be a cat.

i think he's confused about who he is.
(who isn't?)

overall, i'm not a big fan of cats.
not this cat.
not stray cats.
not pet cats.
not market cats.
this one, if he had been nice, might have won my heart (a little).

he didn't.

Tadpoles Become Babies


watching a new life
go from


a baby boy
before your eyes.

doesn't he look like
a little boy now????
he's getting chubbier. you will love it. chubs, chubs, chubs.

Monday, August 2, 2010


oh my.


you know not what you do.
(in ten short days,
you stole my heart).


i miss you and i've bet you've grown.

love, k.

you're just that kind of person.


i know
you would love
that someone has taken
the time
to wrap
coloured yarn

you're just that kind of person.

i miss you.
(times a trajillion and a half)