in spite of ourselves, we'll end up sittin' on a rainbow.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

.Moccasins & Naked Butts.

riddle me this;
riddle me that:
what on earth is cuter,
than baby fat??
pudgy legs;
pudgy arms;
one of todays
greatest charm
so kick up your heels
and pull up your socks
cause on your door
mr. julius knocks.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Love in the Morning

imagine the utter glee of waking up next to a small little angel, whose face beams full of light and love, unconditional, every single morning.
his face speaks of the usual: innocence, sheer amusement, and pure adoration. in the contours, there is more. there is wonder. there is hope. there is complete surrender and helplessness. there is life. and there are the tiniest sparks that erupt constantly of becoming a human.

things like, rubbing ones eyes.
things like, grabbing onto his mommy's hair.
things like, putting everything within reach in ones mouth.
things like, discovering the pure delight of the softest, silkiest blanket in the world rubbed against one's cheeks.
things like that.

things like, falling in love with lights. why? because they are amazing!

Remnants of Home

they say the grass is always greener on the other side.
well, i'm unsure about the color schema, or use of grass for such a metaphor (the peaches are always riper on the other side?)
but i do know those heartfelt pangs of missing home.
i think more than anything, i miss the outdoors. the mountains and lolling hills. the skiing and the activity.

and i miss you tremendously.
weirdness here prevails.
its a good thing i have my pictures to reflect and,

something like that.

Bread and Puppet Theatre

When i was 8, my father also thought this looked like a grande idea.

1. get in car. summertime.
2. notice it is roughly 95 degrees farenheit. also notice there is no air conditioning in my grandfather's suburu outback.
3. spent 5 and a half hours getting there. its a one hour drive.
there was a lot of traffic. and a lot of parking difficulties.
4. hike an hour in the hot dust.
5. arrive at the site. the organizers forgot to plan water. i mean, water of any sort.
6. sit in a dust bowl watching men on giant stilts scream politics for roughly two hours.
7. jack cried through most of it.
8. walk the hour back to the car.
9. drive the hour home (no traffic on the way back, obviously).
10. swear never to attend again.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

mossy hearts.

i like moss & i like you.
and you are, without doubt, a heart from
the kootenays.

and there is lots of moss in the kootenays.
and well, i guess, a moss heart is the best kind
of heart there ever was.
so, do you know what im sayin' ?
you! yah, you! you're a moss heart and i love you.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

pink adidas hoodies.

just wanted to say that i will call you this evening. i miss you.

i wish i was in the kootenays, soaking up
sun beams and autumn leaves.

i bet your mom has fallen head over head over heels once more.

oh, sigh.

love you so much. enjoy these little guys.

love, me.