in spite of ourselves, we'll end up sittin' on a rainbow.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

edie & andy

mmm, hmm. i put up an iphoto colour 4 square shot. yup, did it.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

narrow streets stuffed full of love.

(this girl is my poster child)

(thank you kendra)

(these two love to have fun. lots of fun)


(in a former life, we were banditos)

i had the best of times with you this past weekend. i miss you so much being back here. i wish so much we lived in the same apartment.

julius says hi!
i love you so much!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

morning time

you are
far and away
my favourite
latte drinker,
red touque wearer,
and croissant eater.
i miss you so much already.

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Rainy Day Birthday

Out and about with my camera in the rain/sun on Saturday, I caught glimpse of this lovely site. The sun managed to break through they grey a few moments after I stepped outside.

I wonder who received this wonderful birthday treat?

Perhaps a little foreshawdowing for youknowwho's youknowwhat !!!
(coming up soon)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

In Defense of Food.

the infamous mr. pollan singing wisdom into the imaginarium:
(just a snippet from In Defense of Food; An Eater's Manifesto).

the rules of eating:

1. pay more, eat less.
"the american fod system has for more than a century devoted its energies to quantity rather than to quality. turning out vast quantities of so-so food sold in tremendous packages at a terrific price is what we do well....there is no escaping the fact that better food - whether measured by taste or nutritional quality (which often correspond) - costs more, usually because it has been grown with more care and less intensively. not everyone can afford to eat high-quality food, and that is shameful. but those of us who can, should. another important benefit for paying more for better quality food is that you apt to eat less of it.

"eat less" is the most unwelcome advice of all, but in fact, the scientic case for eating a lot less than we presently do is compelling, whether or not you are overweight....put simply: overeating rpmotes cell division, and promotes it most dramatically in cancer cells, cutting back on calories slows cell division. The people of Okinawa, one of the longest-lived and healthiest populations in the world, practice a principle they call hara hachi bu (*sounds like hariboo to mee): eat until you are 80% full. "

2. eat meals.

"this recommendation sounds almost as ridiculous as "eat food," but in america at least, it no longer goes without saying. indeed, sociologists who study american eating habits no longer organize their results around the increasingly quaint concept of the meal: they now measure "eating occasions" and report that americans have added to the traditional big three - breakfast, lunch, and dinner - an as-yet untitled fourth daily eating occasion that lasts all day long: that constant sipping and snacking we do while watching TV, driving and so on.

i may be showing my age, but didn't there used to be at least a mild social taboo against the between meal snack? well, it is gone. americans today mark time all day long with nibbles of food and sips of soft drinks, which must be constantly at their sides, lest they expire during the haul between breakfast and lunch. we have reengineered our cars to accommodate our snacks, adding bigger cup holders and even refrigerated glove compartments.

3. do all your eating at a table.

no, a desk is not a table.

4. don't get your fuel from the same place your car does.

american gas stations now make more money selling food (and cigarettes) than gasoline, but consider what kind of food this is: except perhaps for milk and water, it is all highly processed nonperishable snack foods and extravagantly sweetened soft drinks in hefty twenty-one ounce bottles. gas stations have become processed-corn stations: ethanol outside for your car and high-fructose corn syrup inside for you.

5. try not to eat alone.

when we eat mindlessly and alone, we eat more. the shared meal elevates eating from a mechanical process of fueling the body to a ritual of family and community, from mere animal biology to an act of culture.

6. consult your gut.

as in so many areas of modern life, the culture of food has become a culture of the eye. but when it comes to eaying, it pays to cultivate the other seneses, which often provide more useful and accurate information. does this peach smell as good as it looks? does the third bite of that dessert taste anywhere near as good as they first?i could certainly eat more of this, but am i really hungry?

the french are better at this than we are, when asked "when do you know when to stop eating" they french group replied, "when i feel full." (what a novel idea! the americans said things like "when my plate is clean," or "when i run out."

7. eat slowly.
not just so you'll be more likely to know when to stop. i mean "slow" in the sense of deliberate and knowledgeable eating promoted by Slow Food, the Italian born movement dedicated to the principle that "a firm defense of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life." Slow Food offers a coherent protest against, and alternative to, the Western diet of and way of eating, indeed to the whole ever-more-desperate Watern way of life. Slow Food aims to elevate quality over quantity and believes that doing so depends on cultivating our sense of taste as well as rebuilding the relationships between producers and consumers that the industrialization of our food as destroyed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Birthday Bombs!!!


2. Sam. (A tiny, insignificant detail).


(italian gelato - true to form)
(go pig out on life).

happy birthday my favorite person on planet earth in coincidence with julius!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011



Sunday, September 11, 2011

Past Imaginings of Ancient Cities

Sometimes developing mystery rolls of film ends up being kind of fun.
In this case, kind of are the operative words.
It was, however, a fun chance to check out our H&M special outfits once again.
Also, the structures are pretty cool.
Kind of historical, in that kind of way.
mer mer mer
Yaaaa know?
Oh Ya - what was it? Page 47? Refer to that.
Do you see what I see?

p.s. im glad we went to italy together 6 years ago!
and munich.
and st.gaallen.
and cinq au terre (?)
and lichtenstein.
Let's go to some other places together sometime.
i love you.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Little Trip.

so once upon a time there were two bagels and one small baby boy named julius. he could not choose between these bagels, so he nibbled on each, and then got distracted. the end.

once upon a time there was a mom and a
baby and they went to the beach by lake michigan
and went wild in the waves and pretended that all cares and work and such didn't exist.
and it was awesome.

once upon a time, there was a peculiar woman who chose to make picket fenced fern gardens inside of antique window panes. the observer noted that she might have unresolved issues with boundaries. the end.

once upon a time my mom got so excited about a good coffee that she burned her tongue in zeal. the end.

once upon a time, i stumbled into this cafe in st. joseph, michigan, and was flooded by memories of driving up and down the rhine valley with you, of stealing corn, of stealthing into cow's pastures, of grazing on candy, of long train rides, and LOTS of laughter. of michael sabotage. and the swiss miss steffi herself. of nutella, and bread, and really bad fashion sense/initiative. of nice and munich and the cinque terre. of the The Pod, and The Shaved Half Mullet (Pope Sunday) and really enormous ice creams. once upon a time, two girls in matching skirts (one pink, the other blue) stumbled into the Sistine Chapel at closing time and wandered around sans crowd, gazing upward. once upon a time, those same two girls cooked a really enormous thanksgiving dinner for some unappreciative assholes. once upon a time...

hee hee
the end.

love you, miss you, see you soon on the streets on montreal.

Lovely Moments.

the past months have been long - have been full. it seems that i have so very much, and yet so very little to say about all of it. perhaps a few photos of julius michael to warm up?


i think i'll just leave this post, with that.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

i love you.

Our chat this evening infused me with energy - As they always do. I love you, thank you for staying up late to talk.


There is a book kicking around my brother's apartment that is somewhat cheesy and somewhat bang-on. It's called "The Book of Awesome." Maybe you've heard of it, maybe you have not? He basically lists and describes things that are awesome - sometimes they take up one paragraph, sometimes 3 pages. 'Nuff said, you get the story - I need to share a few of the "Awesomes" with you.

These are the ones that made me think of you instantaneously....

1. Squeezing through a door while it's shutting without touching it. Tiny squirts of adrenaline pump through your bloodstream when you pull this classic move. Yes, suddenly you morph from Guy Walking to Subway After Work into Indiana Jones in That Scene Where He Slides Under the Wall at the Last Second. Your hands stay clean, your strut stays mean, and you zip through that closing door and don't look back, hoping it doesn't nail anybody in the face behind you. Awesome.

2. Getting off an airplane after a long flight. B.O. clouds dissipate and float away, wailing babies quit wailing at the luggage bay, your cell phone works, so you call friends up, say hey, and all your scrunched up, bunched up, hunched-up muscles relax as you stretch them out now, feeling A-OK. You're out of the window seat, out of the aisle, you're back on two feet, so just walk away and smile. Awesome.
Side Note: I find his rhyming a little uncomfortable and I would prefer this description sans rhyme.

3. The smell of rain on a hot sidewalk. There's just something about the smell of rain on a hot sidewalk. It's sort of like the rain cleans the air - completely hammering all the dirt and grime particles down to the ground and releasing some hot baked-in chemicals from the pavement. It smells best if it hasn't rained in while and the sidewalk is scalding hot. The it sort of sizzles and steam up into a big, hot, intoxicating whiff. Awesome.

4. Scraping all the lint off an overflowing lint trap. There's something therapeutic about finger-peeling that dark-grey-with-red-flecks fuzz path off the trap, rolling it into a ball, and tossing it in the trash. Yes, after you ditch that hot, furry blanket, both you and you dryer can finally breathe again. Awesome.

5. Fixing Electronics by Smacking them. (no explanation needed). Awesome.

Although his descriptions border on douchy, I like his list and I think he definitely nails a few of these. Things that you just love but forget you love them until they happen. These are the simple pleasures, the ones that make the world tick at a slight wonky but better pace. The things that you always notice - and we can always laugh about. We notice the same things and we find the same things funny. Fact.

I hope you're dreaming only the best dreams there ever were.

love, kendra