in spite of ourselves, we'll end up sittin' on a rainbow.

Friday, December 24, 2010

bebe bites.

first christmas.
things like:
decorating trees. and first bites of food. and sprinkings of snow. and christmas carols?
and winter walks. and off-road stroller-riding.
and snacking.
lots. and. lots.
of snacking.
julius, the baby of the world, is dreamy.
and fat.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

something like vegas

in the spirit of the vegas distortion,
a few photos with muckery.
opulence. and beyond. three floors of crystal chandeliers. lingerie shoppes with live models. stripper contests at 1pm on a tuesday in a casino. the sky is the only shepard of time.

three deep breaths for the mother-in-law. or perhaps, three deep shots of tequila. let this be known kendra: aging gracefully is an art. see email for more on that note.

stunned & stupor. dior. gucci. cavalli. dolce. herrera. vuitton.
you get the idea. walter (the bunny), prone to enjoying the finer things in life, would have gotten his mind blown.

(julius really liked the lions).

mmmm the desert. amazing. desert.
palms that stretch into the sky. palm trees that scream of the delicious luxury of days soaking in the sun, of clear blue skies, and a stiff drink.
after seeing that hooters hotel & casino was using a 4 story robotic t-rex to eat cars and then blow fire over them (daily at 9am, 330pm, and 730pm) as a promotional bit, i read julius goodnight moon. and put his glasses on. and reminded him that a juliosaurus rex is NOT a hooter's t-rex.

vegas was fun.

photobooth delights.

a few from the photo booth archives.

the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, forexciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevatedthoughts.
to cause to come into being, as something unique that wouldnot naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinaryprocesses.
to bring toward oneself or itself, as by inherent force orinfluence; attract:
to sketch (someone or something) in lines or words;delineate; depict
to be carried through the air by the wind or any other forceor agency


Monday, December 6, 2010

one final thought of the evening.

how the hell are baby bums the friggin' cutest things on this planet!?

even if their bodies are chubby, their bums are flat and kind of wrinkled, just waiting for some chub to fill them in.

just wrinkly little bums. the cutest. goddamn charmers, those bums.

love k

p.s. i miss julius. please give him ten thousand kisses. and thank you for your message of hilarity and delight. i loved it and i saved it. and it will be listened to again very soon.

one more thing...

dear emma rose,
if you could so kindly oblige:
no more mention of tellhellsa
in public spaces (virtual or physical).
and that's final.

i refuse to have an address at that place.
so, as it stands, kindly use my parent's physical location on this planet.

signed, with utmost sincerity and heaps and bounds of love, and
probably a few hariboo bears launched internationally,

also, this.

spools of narrative

once upon a time: a small spool group (potential clothes, shoes,
fancy stitching on hand bags (unsequined, of course), and leggings)
amassed to become a dog-pile of multi-coloured thread.
is thread-pile more appropriate? yes, a thread pile.
strewnabout, and such.
the way spools often become strewn.
in that way.

magical: alignment. aligned. (but not quite!)
WAIT! what is that?
the littlest yellow spool. all alone and lonely.
just to the back, just to the right.
and the deviant pink spool!
on her back again. out in front. and a slightly unwound?
unlike the brown, grey, and black "suit" types.
oh, you KNOW
that they will be suits one day. they can hardly wait. and they
will be perfect specimens for this role.
i may even know the particular location of the closets in which they'll be hung in.
starts with a T ends with an A. yup.
(just look how straight they stand!)

and then...

re-alignment. love.

the pink and the yellow: together at last.
and even better: slightly to the back, slightly to the right!
just as they really wanted.
and the suits?
well, they just remain. as is. as they will be. as they do.
(but if you look closely, really closely, you may see something...perhaps
just a little bit of unwinding...?
don't be happens. it really does - even to the most suitiest of suits)

the end.