in spite of ourselves, we'll end up sittin' on a rainbow.

Monday, December 6, 2010

spools of narrative

once upon a time: a small spool group (potential clothes, shoes,
fancy stitching on hand bags (unsequined, of course), and leggings)
amassed to become a dog-pile of multi-coloured thread.
is thread-pile more appropriate? yes, a thread pile.
strewnabout, and such.
the way spools often become strewn.
in that way.

magical: alignment. aligned. (but not quite!)
WAIT! what is that?
the littlest yellow spool. all alone and lonely.
just to the back, just to the right.
and the deviant pink spool!
on her back again. out in front. and a slightly unwound?
unlike the brown, grey, and black "suit" types.
oh, you KNOW
that they will be suits one day. they can hardly wait. and they
will be perfect specimens for this role.
i may even know the particular location of the closets in which they'll be hung in.
starts with a T ends with an A. yup.
(just look how straight they stand!)

and then...

re-alignment. love.

the pink and the yellow: together at last.
and even better: slightly to the back, slightly to the right!
just as they really wanted.
and the suits?
well, they just remain. as is. as they will be. as they do.
(but if you look closely, really closely, you may see something...perhaps
just a little bit of unwinding...?
don't be happens. it really does - even to the most suitiest of suits)

the end.

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